Week 2 – All About Arkansas

Flag-map of Arkansas

Picture: By Darwinek


Northwest Arkansas

Photo By Brandonrush (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

I live in Northwest Arkansas. It’s very crazy where I live, because the weather changes like mad. One day, I was playing outside in the nice shiny sun, and then two days later it snowed, which can be frustrating when you’re wanting to play outside, but I can’t do anything about it, or can I?  When it turned March, I told myself that there was no way it would snow again, but it did, lol. Every day, I wish for summer to begin; although, it can sometimes be extremely hot in this part of the country in the summer. Like I said, crazy weather, but I am hoping it will be nice this summer. WELL, WISH ME LUCK! 😎

Some fun things to do in Northwest Arkansas:

The people around here are HOG WILD! 

Photo Courtesy Of: Jason Csizmadi

Things I’m hoping to do this summer:

  • I’m hoping to go to CAMP WAR EAGLE!!!!
  • I also hope to go to the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, which is supposed to be haunted, but I think they try to scare people there.

6 thoughts on “Week 2 – All About Arkansas

  1. Fantastic post, WarriorKat. It has made me wish I had visited Arkansas. I have been to about 40 of the states but not those in the south and south east of USA.

    I love the way you have used Thinglink to give even more information on your post.

  2. Oops, I checked my map of USA and realise I have been to Arkansas. I drove from Memphis to Texarkana and went via Hot Springs National Park. I drove the back roads down to Texarkana rather than staying on the main highway. You see a lot more of the state doing that rather than just rushing trucks and cars going past at high speed.

    • Hello Miss W.,
      I’m glad you liked my all about Arkansas post. It was very exhausting, but I feel proud that I got it done. I can’t believe you have visited so many states. I’ve only visited two states, California and Missouri. I’m hoping to go to Florida this fall. Out of all the states you have gone to, which one was your favorite? So far, my favorite state is California. My family and I went to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk; it was soooo fun! My brother and I went on the Logger’s Revenge ride thousands of times. Every time was AWESOME!!!! :mrgreen:
      Well, this comment is getting to long so, BYE!!!!

  3. G’day WarriorKat,
    You have so many great states over there; I love history and natural history so visiting your National Parks are what I enjoy. I have been to Yosemite and Yellowstone but would love to go to the Florida Everglades. Maybe you will see them this fall if you go to Florida.

  4. Hi Kat
    What a very informative post! I even learned something from the ‘boring’ part – didn’t know Bill Clinton came from there. I really liked your image with the links, and thought it was very clever ‘cos I’ve no idea how you did it!
    I’m sorry to say I’ve seen so little of your great country; just Seattle and upstate Connecticut where I was a camp counsellor – a long time ago but heaps of fun.
    So what is camp war eagle?

    • Hello Mrs. Bird,
      I am glad that you liked my “Arkansas” post. Camp War Eagle is supposed to be a really awesome camp for kids. They have lots of activities, like horseback riding, which I am hoping to do if I get to go there. They also have water skiing, wakeboarding, riflery, archery, rock climbing, rappelling, skateboarding, pottery, stained glass, nature/conservation study, water slides, Blobbing, fishing, canoeing and many more things. The only problem is that there is a long waiting list, so I may have to wait until next year to go. But wish me luck that I get in this year 🙂 .
      Talk to you later,

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