
Fairy Discovered!

Rainbow Fairy1Secret Fairy Discovered:

On March 20, 2014, in the town of Flower Smell, which is in the country of Truth and Madness, a new kind of fairy has been discovered by Sally Honeysuckle. Sally, an adventurous 12 year old girl, was taking pictures of flowers for fun in the woods. While she was walking, she gasped because she saw the one and only mystical Rainbow Flower. Excitedly she reached for her camera to take a picture of it.  As she zoomed in on the flower, she saw something most incredible standing on top of it. It was a Rainbow Fairy! Strangely enough, the fairy was sipping nectar out of the flower with a straw, and she was giving Sally the thumbs up sign.

Eater Bees

Clip Art by: AJ from

This strange bee doesn’t feed on pollen and nectar like most other bees. Instead, it eats the flesh and skin of cute, adorable, but dead forest animals.

The freaky bee will find a lifeless critter and eat it right up! Never satisfied, the bee is always looking for more to dine on.

As the bee feeds, it spits out a TOXIC chemical called an ENZYME, turning its food into to gooey cupcakes, which the bee then swallows and stores in its meat stomach of  DOOM!!!!

Some say you can even hear the bee evilly laugh as it devours its weird mushy cupcake dinner.

What are these bees you ask? They are….EATER BEES!

Some things in this story may not be true. 😎

I wrote this after reading an article about Vulture Bees, which are real and do eat the flesh of dead animals.