
There Once Was….

a square

There once was……

A penguin that was blue,

An elephant that could fly,

A cat that was yurple,

A dog that looked like a lady bug,

A fish that was a camera,

A square that thought he was from the future,

A paper that couldn’t decide if it wanted to be pink or purple, so it decided to be silver.

There once was a bird, and it died.

Diameter, So WEIRD

diameter2I’ve always thought that DIAMETER is a very funny and unusual word. Yes, diameter is a real word. If you don’t know what it is, then I’ll tell you. Well, on second thought, you’re probably just going to skip what I have to say about it. So, NEVER MIND! 😎 lolz

Anyway, to me, the word diameter sounds like a piece of fruit, or even a piece of the moon. I don’t know why, but I just find it hilarious. LOLZ.

What does diameter sound like to you?

This was a RANDOM POST! So, yeah…. Ummm….. hmmm… Well…. GOODBYE!!!!

Serena the GREAT!



Hi guys! The most interesting thing happened a few days ago. It sleeted and snowed, but that’s not the weird part. The weird part was that it was thundering and lightning while it was sleeting! Now that’s weird! Usually it rains when there is thunder and lightning. Instead, it was snowing and SLEETING! Lolz. After it was done, my friend and I built a SnowGirl!!!! It’s so ADORABLE! We named it Serena. After that, we went on a treasure hunt! My mom hid riddles everywhere! It was fun. ENJOY THIS PICTUERE OF Serena! Well, I’ll see you later! BYE! 🙂